Heartburn is a fact of life for many people, and you may be one of them. Up until a couple of months ago, you probably had no problem taking a couple of Zantac. They would kick in, and you would feel better and go on with your life.Now, however, you hesitate to take...
Dangerous & Defective Products
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What happens when a prescription medicine causes you harm?
When you go to a West Virginia doctor, you probably assume that he or she has your best interests in mind and will do everything possible to help you achieve your best level of health possible. This includes getting the right diagnosis, planning the right kind of...
Bad medicine is bad for your health. You can fight back
When you take a drug prescribed by your West Virginia doctor, it is with the expectation that it will improve your medical condition, not make things worse or place you at significant risk for injury. However, defective or dangerous drugs do sometimes cause harm to...