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Premises Liability Attorney in West Virginia

The right to own real property is one of the values Americans hold dearly. But property owners have responsibilities as well as rights, including the responsibility to ensure that their premises are reasonably safe and free of major hazards. When visitors are harmed due to dangerous conditions, they may be entitled to damages in a premises liability claim.

If you or someone you love was injured while visiting a store, an apartment complex or a private residence, our attorneys at Peyton Law Firm, P.L.L.C., can help you determine your legal options. Since 1994, our experienced attorneys have been seeking full and fair compensation for clients injured by property owner negligence.

Common Examples Of Premises Liability Claims

Some of the most frequent injury claims stem from scenarios such as:

  • Slipping and falling in a grocery store due to an uncleaned spill
  • Getting attacked and bitten by an improperly restrained dog
  • Tripping and falling in an apartment building stairwell due to poor lighting, uneven steps, missing handrails and other hazards
  • Suffering a traumatic brain injury after being struck by items falling off of a retail store shelf
  • Breaking several bones when a structurally unsound deck collapsed at a backyard party

Property owners owe a legal duty of care to others who are on their property. Typically, that duty of care will depend on the status of the visitor. Someone deemed an “invitee” or “licensee” is owed a higher duty of care than a trespasser, for instance. However, in many jurisdictions, property owners do owe at least some duty of care to trespassers – particularly children who may not know better.

Proving Liability For A Dangerous Property Accident

To bring a successful premises liability claim, you must prove that:

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care
  • You were injured due to an unreasonably dangerous hazard on the property
  • The owner/manager knew or should have known about the danger, had adequate opportunity to address it failed to do so
  • You suffered damages (medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.) as a result of the accident

Some of these elements can be difficult to prove, which is why it is critical to work with an experienced injury attorney like those at our firm.

Take Advantage Of A Free Consultation – Contact Us Today

The Peyton Law Firm serves clients in and around Nitro, West Virginia. We also represent personal injury clients in southern Ohio. To schedule your free initial consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys, call us at 800-681-9555 or reach out online.